Ph.D. Spanish with specialization in Latin American Literature

Pennsylvania State University, December 2013

Minor in Latin American Studies

Minor in Human Geography

Certificate in Teaching with Technology

M.A.   Spanish with specialization in Latin American Literature

Pennsylvania State University, 2008

B.A.     Hispanic Linguistics and Literature

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2006



  • Associate Professor of Spanish. Cultures and Languages. Arizona State University, Phoenix. Fall 2022 – Present.

  • Visiting Scholar. AMERIBER. Université of Bordeaux Montaigne. Bordeaux -France. Fall 2023 – Spring 2024.

  • Fulbright Scholar & Visiting Professor. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Spring 2023 / Semestre 2023-1.

  • Assistant Professor of Spanish. Cultures and Languages. Arizona State University, Phoenix. Fall 2016 – Spring 2022.

  • Faculty Affiliate. School of Transborder Studies. Arizona State University, Tempe. Summer 2018 – Present.

  • Faculty Affiliate. School of International Letters and Cultures. Arizona State University, Tempe. Fall 2017 – Present.

  • Interim Director. Spanish for the Professions Program. Arizona State University, Phoenix. Spring 2018.

  • Honors Faculty. Barrett Honors College. Arizona State University, Phoenix. Fall 2017 - Present.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish — Assistant Professor. Department of Modern Language Studies. Lycoming College. Fall 2015 – Spring 2016.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture. Department of Spanish, Bucknell University. Fall 2013 – Spring 2015.


  • Graduate Instructor of Spanish. Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Penn State University. Fall 2006 – Fall 2013.

  • Graduate Instructor of Comparative Literature. Comparative Literature Department. Penn State University. Fall 2009 – Spring 2010.

  • Jefe de Práctica [Instructor]. Pontificia Universidad Católica. Lima, Peru, 2002 – 2006.

  • Instructor. Language and Literature. Universidad Nacional de Ingienería. Lima, Peru, 2004 – 2006.

  • Coordinator and Instructor. Narrative Workshop. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lima, Peru, 2004 – 2005.

  • Counselor for the National Language Evaluation. Education Ministry. Lima, Peru, 2004.


  • National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Summer Stipends. “Affective Economies of Migration.” June-July 2023.

  • Fulbright Regional Fund. “Andean Border Thinking.” Ecuador, 2023.

  • Fulbright Scholar Award. “Andean Border Thinking and Chinese Migration to Peru.” Peru, 2022-2023.

  • Public History Fund. The Peruzonian Archive: Stories of Peruvian Migrants in Arizona. CO-PI.

  • CISA Summer Research Award. “Chinese in the Andes: Migration, Racial Solidarity, and Political Radicalization.” Summer 2021.

  • CISA Summer Research Award. “Nostalgia for the Future and Transnational Andean Migration.” Summer 2020.

  • CISA Summer Research Award. “Migration and Modernity in the Andes.” Summer 2018.

  • CISA Research Funds. “Andean Films, Neoliberal Strategies.” Arizona State University. Summer 2017.



  • Fictions of Migration: Narratives of Displacement in Peru and Bolivia. Ohio State University Press, 2021. Read here.

  • Affective Economies Of Migration: Chinese-Peruvian Bonds of Love and Friendship. Under Contract.

  • Cuya, Lorena, Elizabeth Monasterios, and Nuria Vilanova Eds. Dynamic Cartographies: New Turns and Displacements in Andean Cultural Productions. In progress.

Book Chapters

  • “Art of Retrieval: Peruvian Narratives of Migration and Their Affective Epistemologies.” Cambridge Reader. A Peruvian History of Literature. Cambridge University Press. Proposal accepted.

  • “Returns and Disenchantments: Post-Cold War Andean Migration Literature in Peru and Bolivia.” Routledge Companion to Migration Literature. Eds. Adair, Gigi Adair, Rebecca Fasselt, and Carly McLaughlin. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group Press. 2024.

  • “Nostalgia por el futuro: Cine de migración.” In Vivir la violencia en el Perú del nuevo milenio. Eds. Oswaldo Estrada and Carlos Villacorta. Lima: Ediciones MYL. 2023. 249- 268. 2023.

  • Tusán, capataz y alcalde: el caso de Enrique Baca Niño Ladrón de Guevara.” In Chinos de Ultramar: represiones, resistencias y resiliencias. v.3. Eds. Ronald Soto-Quirós et al. Mexico: Palabra de Clío Editorial y Editorial de la Sede del Pacífico. 2021. Read here.

  • “Competencia intercultural en EFE/ Teaching Intercultural Competence in SSP.” In: Español para Fines Específicos (EFE) / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish for Specific Purposes. Eds. Eds. Barbara A. Lafford, Lourdes Sánchez-López, Anita Ferreira Cabrera, and Elisabet Arnó Maciá. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Publications in Peer Review Journals

  • “Losing the locus, Recovering Ideologies: Peruvian and Bolivian Literatures of Displacement in the Post-Cold War.” New Area Studies. Special Issue on Latin American Studies. In progress.

  • “Volveré y seré millones: Migrants and the Myths of Return in Two Bolivian Novels.” Special Issue on Motley Geopoetics in Contemporary Bolivian Narratives. Bolivian Studies Journal. Vol. 29 (2023): 103-125. doi: 10.5195/bsj.2023.306 .

  • “Cinematografía decolonial: disidencias epistémicas, asincronías globales y migración en los andes.” Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of Luso-Hispanic World 9.7 (2021): 101-122. Read here.

  • “A Chinese Man in the Andes: Migration and Racial Solidarity.” Special Issue on Chinese Latinxs. Chinese America: History and Perspectives (2021): 31-50. Read Here.

  • “Nostalgia por el futuro: sobre migración y neoliberalismo en el Perú.” Special Issue for the Two Hundred Years of Peruvian Independence, Hispanófila, Ensayos de Literatura. Eds. Oswaldo Estrada and Carlos Villacorta. 192 (2021): 145-157. Read here.

  • “Madness and Migration: Broken Geographies in Peruvian Cinema.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 52.3 (2018): 1 - 27. Read here.

  • “Narrativas contaminadas: la estética de la migración en Perú, nuevos signos nacionales.” A Contracorriente. A Journal on Social History and Literature in Latin America 14.3 (2017) 143-170. Read here.

  • “Internal Migration, The Publishing Industry, And Transnational Identities In Two Peruvian Writers.” Revista Hispánica Moderna 69.1 (2016): 1-16. Read here.

  • “17th Century Environmentalism Contextualized: Garcilaso de la Vega’s Comentarios reales.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 19 (2015): 51-73. Read here.

  • "Ser para otro: Máscaras, Fresa y Chocolate y la retórica de la metáfora homosexual." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 88.7 (2011): 811-828. Read here.

  • “Topografía de los cuerpos vejados en ¿Quién mató a Palomino Molero? y La tía Julia y el escribidor de Mario Vargas Llosa.” Tropos 24 (2008): 31-50.

Book Reviews

  • López-Calvo, Ignacio, and Marjorie Agosín. Refugees, Refuge, and Human Displacement. Edited by Ignacio López-Calvo and Marjorie Agosín, Anthem Press, 2022, ISBN-13: 978-1-83998-2-484, Hispania. A journal Devoted to The Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, v. 107, no 1, 2024. pp. 175-176.

  • Cynthia Vich and Sarah Barrow Eds. Peruvian Cinema of the Twenty-First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 356pp. Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas. v.19, no. 1, 2022. pp. 121-127. Read Here.

  • Briceño, Ximena and Jorge Coronado Eds. Visiones de los andes. Ensayos críticos sobre el concepto de paisaje y región. La Paz -Pittsburg: Plural Editores, 2019. 218 pp. Chasqui: revista de literatura latinoamericana 50.1 (2021): 14-16. Read here.

  • Campisi, Elizabeth. Escape to Miami: An Oral History of the Cuban Rafter Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 232 pages. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture 38 (2020): 191-193. Project MUSE

  • Sitting, Ann and Martha Florinda González. The Mayans Among Us. Migrant Women and Meatpacking on the Great Plains. Bison Books: U of Nebraska Press, 2016. 216 pages. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture: 37 (2019): 231-233.

  • Scharm, Heike and Natalia Matta-Jara. Postnational Perspectives on Contemporary Hispanic Literature. Gainsville: UP Florida, 2018. Print. 227 pages. Hispania, A journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese 102. 2 (2019): 288-290. Project MUSEdoi:10.1353/hpn.2019.0057.

  • Rados Rangelova. Gendered Geographies in Puerto Rican Cultures. Spaces, Sexualities, Solidarities. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 2015. 217 páginas. Letras Femeninas 42.2 (2017): 160-162. Read here.

  • María de los Ángeles Romero. Narrativa de la violencia: el hiperrealismo de Rubem Fonseca y Fernando Vallejo. Montevideo: Antithesis 2014. (Hermenéuticas/2). 166 páginas. Revista Iberoamericana 15.60 (2015): 234-236.


  • Global Latin American Studies. Research Cluster. Institute for Humanities Research.

  • PI. The Peruzonian Archive: Stories of Peruvian Migrants in Arizona. Collaborators: Arizona Peruvian Association (AZPEAS), Co-PIs Matthew Casey, Alvaro Cerrón-Palomino, and Carmen Umeres, Leslie Carpio.


Invited Talks / Invited Speaker

  • Keynote Speaker. Conférence plénière: “Ficciones de la migración, epistemologías afectivas, decolonialidad y mitos de retorno.” Sociétés pluriculturelles, inclusions et migrations en Amérique latine et les Caraïbes: entre l’action,l’histoire et la fiction. Forthcoming. April 12, 2024. Bourdeaux-France.

  • Keynote Speaker. "De coolie a Alcalde: Migración, poder y solidaridad racial en los Andes.” XXVIII Coloquio de Estudiantes de Literatura PUCP: Puentes dialogantes: reflexiones literarias entre Asia del Este e Hispanoamérica. June 21, 2023. Lima-Perú.

  • Lecture & Round Table: “Retornos y migraciones en los Andes: sobre el pensamiento fronterizo en países andinos.” Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar (UASB). Quito, Ecuador. April 25-27th, 2023.

  • Lecture: “Meditaciones sobre la migración, Epistemologías afectivas, decolonialidad y mitos de retorno.” Master in Cultural Studies Program. Lima, Peru. June 15th, 2023.

  • Keynote Speaker. “Adaptation and Human Frailty: Migration and Covid-19.” Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages & Literatures- Sept 23, 2021.

  • “Andean Migrants and the Economy of Race.” Faculty Women of Color Caucus (ASU) and Palabras Book Store. Book Presentation Series. Phoenix, October 7, 2020.

  • “On the Basis of Cultural Identity: Migration, Cinema, and Neoliberalism in the Andes.” Latin American & Caribbean Studies Lecture Series. Northwestern University. Chicago, October 29, 2019.

  • “Curriculum Design and Evaluation: Establishing Intercultural Competency goals (ICC): Case Study Spa 405.” Applied Linguistics Seminar (Spa/SLC 691). Arizona State University. Tempe, February 26, 2019.

  • Latin American Film: Seminar on Indigenous Representations in Claudia Llosa’s La teta asustada. Film Studies Seminar (FMS 475). Arizona State University. Tempe, February 15, 2018.

  • “Listen to See: Knowledge and Indigenous Migrants.” Lecture. Humanities Lecture Series. Arizona State University. Phoenix, October 19, 2017.

  • “Sleep Dealer”. Screening and Conversation on NAFTA and Border issues. Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration. Arizona State University. Phoenix, October 6, 2017.

  • “Tales of Migration as Decolonial Practices.” CISA Research Series. Phoenix, October 12, 2017.

  • “Migration, Sex, and Disaster: Cinematographic Approaches to Migration in Latin America.” Lecture. Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration. Arizona State University. Phoenix-Tempe, September 23, 2016. 

  • “Un viaje por el Perú.” Spanish Department. Lycoming College. Williamsport, October 10, 2015.

  • “Migrants, Prostitutes, Rubber, and Fish in Vargas Llosa’s The Green House and Arguedas’s The Foxes.” SIP Colloquium Series. Penn State University. State College, October 13, 2011.


Peer-reviewed/Competitively Selected Presentations

  • “La migración y sus espectros: desplazamientos andinos, sobrevivencia y ausencia en Utama y Wiñaypacha.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). San Francisco, CA, May 23–26, 2025. Forthcoming.

  • “Los migrantes de la Guerra Fría: migración andina y nuevo orden global en la literatura peruana y boliviana.” JALLA, Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamerica. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, August 19-23, 2024.

  • “Nuevos juguetes de la guerra fría: literaturas de la migración en el nuevo ordenamiento global. Sociétés inclusives, nouvelles citoyennetés, (post-) multiculturalismes et diversités en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes. Université d’Angers. Angers, France May, 29-31st, 2024.

    “Dos acercamientos a las epistemologías afectivas de la migración en la región andina.” Trans-andancias globales: narrativas del desplazamiento. Instituto Riva-Agüero-PUCP & Proyecto LATILMA, Sapienza, Universita de Roma. Lima/hybrid, August 29, 2023.  

  • “Decolonialidad en narrativas andinas de migración.” Latin American Testimonies in Italy  (LATILMA) Dalle Ande agli Appennini [De los Andes a los Apeninos | From the Andes to the Apennines].  Sapienza Università de Roma, Roma, 5-6 Oct. 2023.

  • “Racial Alliances and the Chinese Diaspora in the Andes.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). San Francisco, CA, May 5–8, 2022.

  • “Migration, Power, and Racial Solidarity: About the Chinese Presence in the Andes.” Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies (WCAAS). Virtual due to Covid. Oct. 9th, 2021.

  • “Mariátegui y las migraciones chinas: ensayos revolucionarios de la izquierda peruana.” X Congreso Internacional de Peruanistas. Florencia, Italia, September, 2021.

  •  “Migración y anti-ciudadanía en producciones transnacionales.” XLIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (ILLI). Reims, France, 2021.

  •  “Cartographies of Discontent: Andean Migrants, Disease, and Anti-Citizenship.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Virtual Congress, May 26 – 29, 2021.

  •  “Andean Film, Migration, and the Question of Citizenship.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Guadalajara, Mexico, May 13 – 16, 2020. Absent due to Covid-19.

  •  “Migrations, Markets, Epistemologies.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Boston, MA, May 24 – 27, 2019.

  •  “Mapping the Affects: Migration and Anti-Citizenship.” Modern Language Association International Symposium. Lisbon, Portugal, July 23 – 25, 2019.

  •  “Neoliberalismo, monstruosidad y migración en la narrativa peruana del siglo XX-XXI.” IX Congreso Internacional de Peruanistas. Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Bordeaux, France, November 22 – 23, 2018.

  •  “Junto al pueblo y al Estado: Prácticas paraestatales del cine boliviano.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Barcelona, Spain, May 23 – 26, 2018.

  •  “Divergencias en los andes: cine, migración y descolonización.” XLII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (ILLI). Bogotá, Colombia, June 12- 15, 2018.

  •  “Epistemologías, melo-realismo y migración.” IX Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios Bolivianos (AEB). Sucre, Bolivia, July 24 – 28, 2017.

  •  “Disidencia epistémica y asincronía global en dos películas bolivianas.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Pontificia Lima, Peru, April 29 – May 1, 2017.

  •  “Spatial Designs: Migration in Two Bolivian Novels.” North Eastern Modern Language Association Conference (NEMLA). Baltimore, MD, March 23 – 26, 2017.

  •  “Displacement and Settlement: Migrant Cityscapes in Bolivian Narratives.” Kentucky Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference (KFLC). Lexington KY, April 20 -22, 2017.

  •  “Affects and Knowledge in Juan de Recacoechea’s American Visa and Paolo Agazzi’s Mi socio.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). New York, NY, May 27 – 30, 2016.

  •  “Noises of Circulation: Migration in Jesús Urzagasti’s Tejedores de la noche and Juan de Recacoechea’s Altiplano Express.” North Eastern Modern Language Association Conference (NEMLA). Hartford, CT, March 17 – 20, 2016.

  •  “Glocal Allegories, Local Fictions: Latin American Narratives of Circulation in Mario Bellatín, Santiago Roncagliolo, and Luis Sepúlveda.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (ACLA). Seattle, WA, March 26 – 29, 2015.

  •  “Narratives of Tainted Spaces: The Aesthetic of Migration, a New Sign of Nationalism.” Kentucky Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference (KFLC). Lexington, KY, April 23 – 25, 2015.

  •  “La transnacionalización editorial del otro: Roncagliolo y Alarcón expían las penas de la migración.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Chicago, IL, May 21 – 24, 2014.

  •  “When Traditions Become Grotesque: Migration and the Aesthetics of Claudia Llosa and the Peruvian Group Chaski – Literary and Filmic Representation of Political Grotesque.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (ACLA). Brown University, RI, March 29 – April 1, 2012.

  •  “New Spaces, Old Sexualities: Immigration and Female Prostitution in Two Peruvian Narratives.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC). Lexington, KY, April 14-16, 2011.

  •  “Multiple Exiles and the Impossibility of the Exile in Luis Sepulveda’s The Old Man Who Reads Love Stories.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (ACLA). Harvard University, MA, March 26 – 29, 2009.

  •  “Animals’ Condition as a Social Physiognomy in Garcilaso de la Vega’s Comentarios Reales.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (ACLA). Long Beach, CA, April 24 – 27, 2008.

  •  “Alusiones y elusiones en La Oveja negra y demás fábulas de Augusto Monterroso.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference (ACLA). Puebla, México, April 19 – 22, 2007.

  • “¿Utopía o ideal Sanchopancesco?” Iberoamerican Congress of Literature. Penn State University, PA, March 13, 2007.

Conferences Organization

Peer-reviewed/Competitively Selected Panels

  • Symposium - Co-organizer with Elena Ritondale. “Trans-andancias globales: narrativas del desplazamiento.” Instituto Riva-Agüero-PUCP & Proyecto Latin American Testimonies in Italy (LATILMA, Sapienza, Università de Roma. Lima/Hybrid, August 29, 2023.

  • Panel Chair and Organizer. “Andean Migrations: Images, Values, and Vulnerability.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). San Francisco, CA, May 5–8, 2022.

  • Panel Chair and Organizer. “Migration, Affects, and the Economies of Anti-citizenship: Cultural Representations.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Virtual Congress, May 26 – 29, 2021.

  •  Panel Chair and Organizer. “Cuerpos y afectos: La construcción de la imagen del migrante como anti-ciudadano y como sujeto cultural.” XLIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (ILLI). Reims, France, 2021.

  •  Panel Chair and Organizer. “Migration, Affects, and Anti-citizenship: Cultural Representation.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Guadalajara, Mexico, May 13 – 16, 2020. Absent due to Covid-19.

  •  Panel Chair and Organizer. “Migration, Love, and Discontents.” Modern Language Association International Symposium. Lisbon, Portugal, July 23 – 25, 2019.

  •  Panel Chair and Organizer. “Processing Migration: Aesthetics, Epistemologies, and Affects.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Boston, US, May 24 – 27, 2019.

  •  Panel Chair and Organizer. “Prácticas estéticas, poder e identidad en la historia cultural andina.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Barcelona, Spain, May 23 – 26, 2018.

  •  Panel Chair and Organizer. “Cine andino: producción, representaciones y epistemologías.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Lima, Peru, April 29 – May 1, 2017.

  •  Roundtable Chair and Organizer. “Fictions of Circulation & the Circulation of Fictions in Latin America.” North Eastern Modern Language Association Conference (NEMLA). Hartford, CT, March 17 – 20, 2016.

  •  Panel Organizer. “Reading Latin American Cultural Traditions.” 13th Ohio Latin Americanist Conference. Wittemberg University, Springfield, OH, February 26 – 27, 2014.

  •  Co-Organizer. Visualizing Animals Conference. Finding Animals: Toward a Comparative History and Theory of Animals. Penn State University, PA, April 30 – May 1, 2009.

  •  Co-Organizer. 4th Graduate Student Symposium on Hispanic Literature: “Remapping the American Imagination: Colonial and Post-Colonial Encounters.” Penn State University, PA, March 14, 2008.

Moderated Sessions


  • Panel Moderator. “Exploring Power Dynamics in the Interpreted Medical Encounter.” Conference: Engaging Translation: Questions of Language and Power in Arizona and Beyond. Tempe, AZ, Nov. 12-13, 2021. 

  • Panel Discussant. “Desde los márgenes: replanteamientos de subjetividades nacionales en la escritura latinoamericana del siglo XIX.” Latin American Studies Association Congress (LASA). Guadalajara, Mexico, May 13 – 16, 2020. Absent due to Covid-19.

Public Engagement


Teaching Record: 102 sections

Pontificia Universidad Católica

LIT 629 Temas de Teoría Literaria: Teorías Fronterizas y Migración: Desplazamientos andinos y transnacionales

Arizona State University

SPA 598/SPA 494 Andean Border Thinking & Migration: Theory, Film, Literature

SLC/SPA 691   Applied Linguistics: Languages for Specific Purposes. Fall 2022

          SPA 317    Introduction to Spanish for the Professions. Fall 2022.

COM 394 Urban communication: Reinventing the Latinx City. Fall 2021.

SPA 405    Latino Cultural Perspectives for the Professions. Online. Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2021

SPA 402    Written Communication for the Professions. Fall 2020. Online.

SPA 404     Spanish in U.S. Professional Communities. Online. Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Fall 2020.

SPA/TLC 494 Markets, Migrants and Work: Case Studies for Professionals. Fall 2020. (prepared, but cancelled)

SPA 499    Individualized Instruction. Spring 2018 – present.

SPA 493    Honor thesis. Spring 2018 – present.

SPA494    Latino/Latin American Film: Ethical Discussions for the Professions. Spring 2018.

SPA 404    Spanish in U.S. Professional Communities. Hybrid Class. Spring 2017.

SPA 405    Latino Cultural Perspectives for the Professions. Fall 2016, Fall 2017.

SPA 317    Introduction to Spanish for the Professions. Fall 2016.

Lycoming College

Span 311  Hispanic American Culture. Spring 2016.

Span 426  Representations of Social (In)justice in Latin American Literature and Film (W). Fall 2015.

Span 111   Intermediate Spanish I. Fall 2015.

Span 102   Elementary Spanish II. Fall 2015, Spring 2016.


Bucknell University

Span 280  Latin American Cultural Traditions. Fall 2013 – Spring 2015.

Span 285  Latino/a Literature in the U.S. Spring 2014.

Span 103   Toward Intermediate Spanish. Fall 2014 – Spring 2015.

Span 105   Intermediate Spanish. Fall 2013.


Penn State University

Cmlit 002 Introduction to Western Literatures Since the Renaissance. Spring 2010.

Cmlit 005 Introduction to Literatures of the Americas. Fall 2009.

Span 001   Elementary Spanish. Spring 2006.

Span 02     Elementary Spanish. Summer 2009, Summer 2010, Summer 2011.

Span 003   Intermediate Spanish. Summer 2007, Fall 2010, Spring 2011.

Span 03     Intensive Intermediate Spanish. Summer 2007.


In Peru

Teatro. Jefe de Práctica. Pontificia Universidad Católica. Lima, Peru, 2005-2006.

Redacción y argumentación. Jefe de Práctica. Pontificia Universidad Católica. Lima, Peru, 2002-2006.

Lenguaje y literatura. Instructor. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Centro preuniversitario. Lima, Peru, 2004-2006.

Taller de narrativa. Instructor. Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Lima, Peru, 2004-2005.

Teaching Awards

  • Bucknell National Residence Hall Honorary Recognition 2015

  • PSU Faculty Recognition 2011 

Pedagogical Development

  • Languages For Specific Purposes, OER and Creating Connections. The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese ( Oct. 17, 2024.

  • “Building Networked Communities: Innovations for 21st century graduate education.” August 6, 2024.“Incorporating Real-World Learning with Community Simulations.” Yellowdig Webinar and ASU. April 20, 2022.

  • “Dynamic Course Design.” Webinar ASU Online. April 23, 2021.

  • “Making Project-Based Learning Work in an Online Curriculum.” Webinar. Harvard Business Publishing Education. February 11, 2021.

  • “Words Matter: Pandemic Approach.” Webinar Georgetown University. June 4, 2020.

  •  “Yellowdig Best Practices.” Webinar ASU Online. April 3, 2020.

  •  “VoiceThread Best Practices.” Webinar ASU Online. February 18, 2020.

  •  “La inmersión dual y su importancia para la justicia social.” Webinar American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) and Editorial Difusión. October 17, 2019.

  •  “Getting Started with Open Educational Resources (OER).” Webinar ASU Online. February 20, 2019.

  •  “Copyright and Fair Use for Instructors.” Webinar ASU Online. March 29, 2019.

  •  “Strategies for finding, using (legally), and citing images in online education.” Webinar ASU Online. February 25, 2019.

  • Making Video Social with Annoto. Webinar ASU Online. February 5, 2019.

  • “Teachers Trusting Students: Why It Matters.” Faculty Lunch & Learn Workshop Series. January 30, 2019.

  •  “Communicating with Diverse Audiences.” Faculty Lunch & Learn Workshop Series. February 21, 2018.

  •   “Understanding Perceived Cultural Variations.” Faculty Lunch & Learn Workshop Series. January 23, 2018.

  •   “The Flipped Classroom: Hands-on Application.” Provost’s Teaching Academy. April 3, 2017.

  •  “Facilitating Small Group Discussions.” Provost’s Teaching Academy. March 14, 2017.

  •  “Using the One Button Studio to Create Videos.” Webinar ASU Online. January 4, 2017.

  •  “How to make your videos look great with Camtasia.” Webinar ASU Online. January 13, 2017.

  •  “Teaching Discussion and Q & A Workshop.” Provost’s Teaching Academy. October 25, 2016.

  •  “Controversial Topics and Opinions in the Classroom.” Provost’s Teaching Academy. November 22, 2016.

  • Writing Across the Curriculum. Workshop. Lycoming College, Fall 2015.

  •  Student Collaboration in Term Paper Research Design and Development. Workshop. Lycoming College, Fall 2015.

  •  Teaching with Technology. Workshop. Lycoming College, Fall 2015.

  • Class Development and Planning. Workshop. Bucknell University, Fall 2013.

  •  Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Course Training. Penn State University, Fall 2006.


I am currently an

Editorial Board Member. Imagofagia: Revista Virtual de Cine.  Spring 2017 – Present.

Book Reviewer

Over the years I have written book review for Hispania, A journal Devoted to The Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas, Chasqui: Revista de literatura latinoamericana, Studies in Latin American Popular Culture.

Peer Evaluator

I have also served as a peer evaluator for diverse journals like Espinela. Revista de literatura, Transmodernity, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Anthropologica. Revista de ciencias sociales, Revista TransmigrArts. By the European Union, Imagofagia: Revista Virtual de Cine, Transmodernity, Hispanic Studies Review, Pacific Coast Philology, Chasqui: Revista de literatura latinoamericana, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Ciberletras. Revista de crítica literaria y cultura, Hispania, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Hispania. Johns Hopkins University Press, Letras Hispanas, Literary Journal, among others.


  • Spanish – native speaker

  • English – native proficiency

  • Portuguese – communicative and research proficiency

  • French – communicative and research proficiency

  • Italian – research proficiency