strengthening communities
Creating a supporting community
LatinX +1
LatinX + 1 creates conversations about Latinx for Latinx, among Latinx, with Latinx people + 1
Missing a sense of belonging? LatinX +1 is a space where ASU Latinx students like you can feel heard and understood, a space where people get you.
What do we share? Open conversations about everything and anything Latinx related. We also share cultural outings and picks of the week. We share stories, ask for advice, and help each other.
The +1 concept means that, if we wish, we get to invite a +1 just to chat and share experiences among each other and among people with different experiences, hoping that we can create dialogue and understanding. This is a space to build bridges, a space where everybody is recognized. We welcome questions that allow other people to understand us better and for us to understand others better.
This is a space to speak our cultures and share them in Spanish, English, or Spanglish.
We want to hear from you, and we would like to share cultural adventures, attending different events, and organizing our own.
Invite your ASU friends and alumni who would like to join us for LatinX +1 meetings and ask them to invite others. Please, help us find each other!
Zoom meetings on Thursdays 8.30pm -9.30pm | F2f meetings once or twice a semester.
Register HERE:
Contact to join us or for more information.
Digital archive of Peruvians in Arizona
Peruvian Migrants - Digital Archive
The Peruzonian Archive: Stories of Peruvian Migrants in Arizona
This community-scholar partnered project will collect, curate, and share the stories of Peruvians in Arizona through digital and in-person exhibits and events. Our group of linguists, historians, cultural critics, and legal scholars from Arizona State University has teamed up with the Association of Peruvians in Arizona (ASPEAZ) to collect and bring these stories to life via oral history interviews, photographs, objects, and other ephemera, which will be housed in a digital archive as well as in a physical collection to be exhibited at the Hayden Library on ASU’s Tempe Campus.
For more info, please contact me at or